Journey to Madinah

Preparation Before Proceeding To Madinah

With the grace and help of God the pilgrims are now in Mak`kah and have also performed Umrah. Some of the pilgrims go to Madina-tul-Munawwara before hajj while the others after the hajj. The movement is scheduled by concerned Muallim (The hajj guide) Those who proceed to Madina before hajj are advised to carry minimum possible and only very essential items of daily use to stay in Madina. Yet they must carry a set of Ehram since while returning from Madina to Mak`kah there is a Meeqat in between and one can not pass this Meeqat without donning the Ehram or in other words one is bound to enter Mak`kah in Ehram and to perform Umrah. Whereas those who go to Madina after the hajj should carry all their luggage as they will not be able to come back to Mak`kah. Instead they will have to go Jeddah directly from Madina for home bound journey.

Pilgrimage To Madinah And Its Excellence
Prophet Muhammad (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) said: “One who visited my tomb is sure to get my intercession (Shafat)” “One who came only to visit my tomb and paid his homage is entitled to seek my Shafat (intercession)” “One who performed hajj and then came to my tomb is like one who had the privilage to visit me in my lifetime” “One who visited my tomb with intention that he will be in my protection on the day of resurrection and settled down in Madina; I will be his witness and he will be in my intercession” (Shafat) “All the Prophets are alive in their graves and offer prayer”

Not Coming At The Tomb Of Prophet (Sallau Alaihe Wasallam)
The Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) said:
“One who came to perform hajj but failed to visit my tomb, he did injustice to me”

Niyah Of Visiting Madinah
When you intend to visit Madina Munawwara, set aside all your worldly needs and thoughts and describe your intent of visiting the Holy Prophet.
O God, the Beneficent, the Merciful, I intend to travel to Madina Munawwara to pay my respect to the holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM), kindly accept my prayer.”
On your way to Madina, recite Darood as much as you can in paying your respect. Be more respectful and humble, as you approach the holy city. Invocate for yourself. Messenger of God himself said that “God has deputed a group of archangels who convey the Darood to me recited by an intending pilgrim, naming him and that he is sending his compliments and greetings.Likewise when an intending pilgrim reaches near to Madina, the angels approach him, welcome him with praise and pleasantries. Prophet Muhammad (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) had said “that one who performed hajj and thereafter cane to pay his homage even after my death, is just as he visited me during my lifetime.”

Having reached Madina, the pilgrim, at first, should settle down comfortably at his place of stay. However one is required to be careful enough that nothing indignified occurs. It is the city of Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) most revered among the cities, next to Mak`kah. One should not criticize for any shortcoming. If anything hurts, that should be taken with grace and patience. Every nook and corner of Madina deserves your love and veneration.

Visiting To ProPhet (Sallau Alaihe Wasallam)
Take bath and dress in best one have. You are to present yourself to the man most beloved of God your master, the best human amongst the humanity.
Walk towards the Masjid in most humble but in dignified way. Offer some alm, if possible. On reaching the doorsteps of the Masjid remove your shoes and enter with right foot first. Recite the prescribed invocation of entering into a Masjid with Darood followed by two units (Rakat) of salutation of Masjid (Eitikaf) then walk forwards Raiz-ul-Jannah. Riaz-ul-Jannah is the space that lies between the Prophet’s tomb and his chair (Mimber). God’s Messenger himself used to say of this spot! “Between my house (now his last resting place) and my mimber lies a garden of paradise. For the faithful to recite a prayer here is tantamount to praying in a corner of Paradise. No wonder, then, that this small space is much sought after by pilgrims, all of whom want to pray there. Sit down wherever you find the place without any hastle and offer the prayer of salutation of Masjid provided it is not the disapproved (Makrooh) time. If a congregation is in progress join it.
Then proceed with utmost respect and humility, eyes gazing down, to the chamber where the Prophet’s tomb lies, reciting Bismillah and Darood. Facing the golden grill with large circular opening with back towards Qibla, offer your Salam, pray for salvation and seek intercession (Shafat) from the Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) in low voice taking care that you are in front of the most revered personality of the world for which you have been cherishing the whole of your life. Do not try to look here and there. It is an act of disrespect. If there are two many people crowding this spot the visitor can offer his respect and prayer from some distance too Remember that:
“God and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet: O ye who believe, bless him and solute him” (33:56)
The Pilgrim can convey to the Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) the greeting of his and all those who have asked him to do so. Be careful that the Prophet knows that who is sending his greetings and Darood and the greetings are replied.
The pilgrim then goes over to the tomb of first Caliph Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Radi allahu tala unhu)which is a few feet away from that of the Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM). The pilgrim now goes over to the tomb of the second caliph, Umar Ibn-al-Khattab(Radi allahu tala unhu) just next to that of Abu Bakar Siddiq (Radi allahu tala unhu) where he send his greetings and solute. Before each of these tombs the pilgrim must make salutation and recall the merits of he who lies beneath.

Pillars Of Blessings In Riaz-Ul-Jannah
There are seven pillars (Ustawanah) in Garden of Paradise. They all are known as pillars of Blessings. In the first row there are four pillars of red stones. Their names are engraved on them
  • Pillar of Hanana:There was a date trunk here with which the Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) used to take rest and deliver the sermons. When a permanent pulpit was made, it is said that the trunk wept profusely.
  • Pillar of Hars: There used to be one or other companions sit here as guard when the Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) be inside the residence.
  • Pillar of Wafood: Here the outside delegates used to meet the Prophet Muhammad (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) and convert to Islam.
  • Pillar of Abi Lababa (Radi allahu taala unhu): Ali Lababa, a companion, has committed a mistake in Tabuk war against infidels (Gazwa-e-Tabuk). He got himself tied up with this pillar as a matter of punishment; so long the Prophet does not release him. The Prophet waited for seven days till the revelation of a Quranic verse in this respect and the acceptance of his repentance, when he was freed.
  • Pillar of Sareer: Here the Prophet used to sit in Eitikaf and retire in the night.
  • Pillar of Gabriel:Whenever the archangel Gabriel come with Quranic revelation in the garb of the compassion Dahih Kalbi (Radi allahu taala unhu), he used to sit here.
  • Pillar of Aisha (Radi allahu taala unhu): The Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) told his companions that there is a spot in his Masjid where to offer the prayer is of excellence. The companions searched this spot vehemently but could not succeed. It was after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) that Hazrat Aisha (Radi allahu taala unhu) identified this spot to her nephew. Every pilgrim and visitor to the Prophet’s Masjid should offer the prayer near this pillar.

The Holy Places To Be Visited In Madinah
An important and noble part of this exalted journey of hajj is to visit Madina the city of Holy Prophet and pay one’s respect, homage and greetings to the Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM). Besides the Prophet’s Masjid, there are many more places in Madina and Mak`kah having deep associations with Prophet and early days of Islam the purpose of visiting these holy places is not tourism or any enjoyment but to recall some historical facts about Islam and spiritual guidance. Generations of Muslim faithful have flocked to Prophet’s tomb and to implore God to bless and to reward him according to his merits. A believer should firm his belief to fulfil all the obligatory deeds expected from him since in their fulfilment lies his success in this life and hereafter Remember, complete submission and obedience to Allah and His Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) is absolutely essential and a pre-requisite of faith.

The Cemetery of Al-Baqee

Baqee is the cemetery of Madina. Here lies, for the eternal rest, the third Caliph Usman (Radi allahu taala unhu) the wives of the Holy Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) the mothers of many believers including Aisha (Radi allahu taala unha) the daughter Abu Bakar Siddiq (Radi allahu taala unhu), Hafsa the daughter of Hazrat Umar (Radi allahu taala unhu), the Prophet’s uncle Hazrat Abbas, Ibrahim and Rukayya the son and daughter of the Prophet, the grandson of the Prophet (SALLAU ALAIHE WASALLAM) Hasan Ibn-e-Ali, the Imam Malik Ibn-e-Anas the founder of Maliki school and a host of companions of the Prophet.
The visitor is always struck by the extreme simplicity of this graveyard of Baqee. The tombs of so many heroes of Islam are marked only by small stones.